ONLC 2019 Vegas_Keynotes-03857.jpg

Old Navy—Imagine


Old Navy Leadership Conference ‘Imagine’
Experiential & Identity Design

Experiential concept strategy
& identity design for Old Navy’s
annual leadership conference.

Old Navy hosts this conference every year for the leaders of the company to experience activations, learn about new solutions, and speak about growth and successes.

The ask here was to brand the conference in a fun way and create a toolkit to use throughout all the assets and deliverables for this event. Using the brand graphics of dots and stripes, I created a look and feel that felt bigger than life and something that would easily translate from one asset to another. Once I created the logo and toolkit, I designed into each individual deliverable, which included, but were not limited to the entrance, the directional signage, the banners, seasonal images, and digital screens.